Wireless Networks
What is Wireless Network?

Wireless networks can provide a cableless network for you with high coverage. also, it can be as a second network connectivity for all network devices. There is many well-known companies that produce Wireless Equipments such as: Cisco,Fortinet.

NEC-IT as a professional leader for implementing and configuring the wireless networks can help you to have a flawless wireless network.

Wireless Security

Wireless networks are particularly vulnerable to attacks, so security is a primary concern when installing wireless. Hackers looking for a wireless network go "war-driving "-cruising around looking for a wireless signal to exploit. Usually war drivers are just looking for free Internet access, but sometimes they’re looking for confidential information such as credit card numbers. And many war drivers, when they locate a wireless network, will post the GPS coordinates of that network on the Internet. One of the best services we offer is to provide you with a secure wireless network that can withstand most wireless network attacks.

Cisco WLAN Controller

A wireless LAN controller (WLC) is a network component that manages wireless network access points and allows wireless devices to connect to the network. It offers central control over network elements, increases network visibility, and greatly simplifies individual component monitoring. WLCs (Cisco WLC) are commonly used to gain control over your routers, switches, firewalls, gateways and other devices. Monitoring Cisco WLC helps you determine the performance and efficiency of every device

Also, We have Cisco Meraki wireless equipment that is Cloud-Based and will help your network to manage all Access Points.

Cisco Meraki

Cisco Meraki is the leader in cloud controlled Wi-Fi, routing, and security. Secure and scalable, learn how Cisco Meraki enterprise networks simply work. Meraki has secure every wireless connection with automatic policy enforcement, identity-based access control, and built-in DNS protection.
